"Herbalife is a blessing to our whole
Darlene F. was desperate to
feel better. "I remember one day last
fall when I was really worried about being
overweight, fatigued and having stomach
problems. Nothing seemed to help," she
178 pounds, I knew if I lost weight I would
feel much better."
few days later Darlene saw an advertisement
for a nutritional program to lose weight.
"When I called the number it turned out
to be Herbalife," Darlene recalls.
"I immediately started the Thermojetics®
QuickStart Program, along with Aloe Vera
Concentrate, and it wasn't long before I lost
28 pounds-but that was only the beginning!"
soon lost a total of 43 pounds and 15 inches-and
went from a "tight" size 13/14 to a
size 7/8! Meanwhile, her twin sister,
Charlene, noticed Darlene losing weight, but
was still skeptical about Herbalife. "It
probably sounds strange, but we both had
gained the same amount of weight over the
years. Now my sister was really trimming
down," says Charlene.
said it seemed for "every pound my
sister lost, I gained!" "I finally
bought the Thermojetics® Weight-Management
Program five months after my sister did,"
relates Charlene, who purchased the products
from Darlene. "I started with the
QuickStart Program, but soon switched to the
Ultimate Program."
lost 37 pounds in less than two months!
really believe that adding the Thermojetics®
Yellow, Aminogen®, Cell-U-Loss® and Thermo-Bond™,
along with the 21-Day Herbal Cleansing
Program, Herbal Concentrate and Aloe Vera
Concentrate, I was able to lose weight in no
weigh the same now as we did in high school-15
years ago!"
a combined total loss of 80 pounds between
them, the twins introduced Herbalife's
products to their mother, who has lost 40
is a blessing to our whole family!"