"I lost 100
pounds in just eight months!"* 
As a professional athlete,
Jeanette S. used to be able to eat as much as
she wanted. Once she ended her athletic
career, she continued eating that way-and
gained weight as a result.
250 pounds and a size 20, I was always tired."
my mom and my grandma started me on
Herbalife's Thermojetics® Weight-Management
Program, I immediately felt better,"
Jeanette recalls.
lost 100 pounds in just eight months!"
she discovered she was pregnant with her
second child, Jeanette was excited but
concerned that she'd gain the weight back.
Instead, she maintained her initial 100-pound
weight loss and shed 10 additional pounds-in
just six weeks after the baby was born!
lost 15 more pounds and shrunk to a size 4,"
Jeanette says. "I have so much more self-confidence!"*