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"Suddenly I was getting dates, running three miles a day and learning to scuba dive!"*

In 1996, Robert H. was not living the active lifestyle of most twenty-somethings. "As a severe asthmatic with chronic fatigue, I had to lay down every afternoon because I couldn't keep my eyes open," relates Robert.

"Poor nutritional habits contributed to my health problems-and weighing 220 pounds didn't help either!" "When a friend of mine told me his sister lost 10 pounds in only two weeks with Herbalife's products, I purchased the Thermojetics® Weight-Management Program and followed the directions," Robert recalls. "In six months, I lost 65 pounds and 81/2 inches from my waist!"

  "From the beginning, I had more energy and felt better. My confidence zoomed, because I was able to buy better clothes, in the latest styles. My pant size went down from a 42 to a 32." "Suddenly I was getting dates, running three miles a day and learning to scuba dive!"

"In the past, I would never have tried scuba diving, and now it's my favorite sport. Soon, I'm planning to explore a sunken ship in the New York harbor-which is something I always wanted to do!" Robert exalts.

* Your results may vary. Your weight loss will depend on your own body's metabolic response.

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