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"My life is much better now-I've been thin and healthy for the past 15 years!"*

"I gained weight progressively over the years due to heredity and the fact that I just love food so much," laughs Said H., who weighed 280 pounds when he started using Herbalife's products 15 years ago.

He had tried eating less and exercising, but nothing helped him shed much weight-it only left him perpetually hungry and unsatisfied. "I could hardly climb three stairs without running out of breath." Said saw a program about Herbalife on TV one night, called a Distributor right away, and started on Herbalife's Weight-Management Program as soon as he received the products. "During the first 60 days on the program, I lost 60 pounds!" "I lost 20 more pounds over the next five months, and I felt absolutely great the whole time," recalls Said.

Nine years later, he lost an additional 40 pounds. Overall, Said's pant size shrunk from a 54 to a 39, and now he's down to just 160 pounds.* "My life is much better now-I've been thin and healthy for the past 15 years!"

* Your results may vary. Your weight loss will depend on your own body's metabolic response.

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