Deborah earns over $10,000 a month, and she's
aiming for President's Team.
When their construction
company hit hard times, Deborah and Hugh A.
were afraid to answer the phone in case it
was a bill collector on the other line.
"We were stressed out, unhealthy and had
little hope for the future," Deborah
remembers. A friend introduced her to
Herbalife just in time.
three teenagers and a failing business, the
Ashburns needed nothing short of a miracle to
bail them out of their increasing debt.
Immediately after trying the Herbalife
product line, Deborah lost weight, her health
improved and she saw a way out of their
financial hardship. "It was like a
dream," marvels Deborah. "Not only
did I lose 25 pounds over the holidays, but
my energy level went through the roof, and I
moved product so fast that I qualified for
Supervisor right away!" She has done a
great deal of team building to achieve
success so quickly.
earns over $10,000 a month, and she's aiming
for President's Team.
Ashburns have rebuilt their financial
security and are able to provide better lives
for their kids. They are also reinvesting in
their Herbalife business to perpetuate its
growth. To Deborah, it's amazing to think
that they were "bankrupt in February ‘99,
Millionaire Team in January 2000!"*