Maggie developed her first 90-day plan,
business really took off and she was able to
quit her job last May.
When she saw an ad in the
newspaper for a work-from-home business
opportunity, Maggie S. was only looking for a
way to supplement her full-time job as a
registered nurse. She wasn't planning on
using the products-she didn't want to try
another diet she presumed would fail.
However, as soon as she lost more than 20
inches and 25 pounds, her retail sales soared
and she was sold on the products herself.
was working 40-plus hours in the critical-care
unit, making $3,800 a month. Even with two
college degrees, I wasn't getting anywhere."
started the business without really being a
'salesperson.' People would just come up to
me and ask how I lost so much weight,"
Maggie laughs. "After I told them, I
would just say, 'You want some?'"
I'm closing in on the $10,000-a-month mark."
Maggie developed her first 90-day plan,
business really took off and she was able to
quit her job last May. With her newfound
flexibility, she is able to give special
attention to her 16-year-old cat and work out
with a personal trainer. Maggie explains,
"I like helping people with their health
before they get sick, not after-like I had
been for the past 20 years!"*