"I knew I didn't want to rely on someone
else for our livelihood. I wanted a business
I could run myself, with low overhead and
good products."
Six years ago, Ted F. was laid
off from a 16-year career as a boat-marina
operator. Looking for a way to insure
retirement for his wife and himself, he
answered an ad for a business opportunity
listed in the local newspaper. The
opportunity turned out to be Herbalife.
"I had never made more than $3,000 a
month my whole life."
knew I didn't want to rely on someone else
for our livelihood. I wanted a business I
could run myself, with low overhead and good
products," Ted recollects. He started
with an aggressive program, which included
both retailing the products and sponsorship
of new Distributors. Now he also invests time
attentively developing new members of his
never would have imagined it, but now I make
$7,000 a month." Ted and Muggie both do
the business part time, attending as many
Success Training Seminars (STS) as they can.
Ted says, "The STSs and local group
meetings are what kept me in this business."
He and Muggie currently enjoy a comfortable
lifestyle; they just bought a second home and
are able to save for retirement. Ted states,
"I like helping other people because I
know they can be successful in this business