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"In a period of four months, I went from a size 14 to a size 6."*

Mirna D. never knew what it was like to be slim. And by the fall of 1995, she had reached an all-time high of 195 pounds. "Even when I was a teenager, I was wearing a size 14!" she recalls. "Later, when I had my baby, I went to a size 16. I was always fighting my weight. And I tried all kinds of diets. As soon as I'd lose the weight, I'd gain it back."

"My brothers had a nickname for me: gorda-it means ‘fat!'" Mirna learned about Herbalife while on the job. "My supervisor made a Formula 1 shake for me. I tried it and thought it was very good! He told me that if you have a shake for breakfast and lunch, you'll lose weight," she recalls.

"In a period of four months, I went from a size 14 to a size 6." While Mirna's weight decreased, her energy levels increased. "I always used to want to sleep after lunch," she adds. "But after being on the products, I have all this energy. I don't really like to exercise, and I didn't have to in order to lose weight." "Eating properly, drinking Thermojetics® Herbal Concentrate and taking Thermojetics® Green and Beige gives me all the energy I need."

Another aspect about Herbalife's weight-loss program that delights Mirna is the freedom it gives her to eat whatever she desires. "My brothers are amazed," she relates. "They can't believe I can eat many of the things I enjoy and still be this thin. "People need to realize that they have to make up their minds if they want to lose weight," Mirna adds. "Don't listen to other people. Listen to what your body is saying to you. Follow the Thermojetics® Weight-Management Program and the weight will come off."*

* Your results may vary. Your weight loss will depend on your own body's metabolic response.

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