Independent Distributor Of Herbalife Products.        33 089381       (INDEX)

Today, at age 22, Jason averages $18,000 a month!

Millionaire Team member Jason F. has come a long way in four short years. "I had poor grades in high school and due to a learning disorder, I was in special classes. At age 17, I never thought I would be much of a success," he says.

"I was earning about $400 a month with my small landscaping business."

"When one of my friends' parents told me about Herbalife, I decided to try it," he explains. "My mom wanted to lose weight, so I sold her and the rest of the family the products. My business took off from there." "I made the World Team the first month with $1,500 in retail sales."

By the time Jason graduated from high school a year later, he was making $3,000 a month with his part-time Herbalife business. "I concentrate almost entirely on my ‘circle of influence,' talking to people everywhere I go," he continues. "I tell people my story about never having any confidence as a teenager and how great my life is today. Then, I ask them if they want to join me on the road to financial success."

Today, at age 22, Jason averages $18,000 a month!

"Self-confidence is the number one thing I've received from Herbalife," Jason says. "I went to all the trainings, listened to Jim Rohn and my sponsor, and I began believing I could do it. I keep it simple by teaching others the same tools I learned."

"I once mowed lawns for a living and now I have a huge lawn-and pay someone else to mow it!"

A year ago, Jason bought a 4,000-square-foot, four-bedroom home on the waterfront. "There's room enough for my parents and sister to live with me-as well as room for our individual Herbalife businesses," he says. "I drive a bright red Mitsubishi 3000GT, and I'm shopping for a boat to put in the dock on the river behind my house."*

* The financial testimonials in this publication reflect the results of individual Distributors. Your results may vary.


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